This endpoint returns every effective transaction in the bank account.
- cURL
GET ''
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'x-delbank-api-key: {{apiKey}}'
Name | Description |
x-delbank-api-key | Required. API key |
Name | Type | Description |
page | number | Page number (pagination)Default: 1 |
limit | number | Items returned count (pagination)Default: 10 |
nsu | number | NSU (Unique Sequential Number) of the transaction. If the transaction exists, the endpoint will return only 1 transaction |
isCredit | boolean | Utilize true or false If informed, it will filter transactions according to their type, whether credit or debit . If not informed, all transactions will be returned regardless of the modality |
type | array|enum | Transaction Type. Can be informed of a list of transaction types. |
startDate | date | Transaction creation start date. The starting date will be considered according to the UTC standard, i.e., when entering 2023-01-01 , transactions that were created from 2023-01-01 03:00:00.000Z will be returned. |
endDate | date | Transaction creation end date. When applying this filter, the starting date will be considered according to the UTC standard, i.e., when entering 2023-01-01 , transactions that were created up to 2023-01-01 03:00:00.000Z will be returned. |
transactionId | string | transactionId of the transfer/payment in the context of Pix. This filter aims to facilitate the search for Pix payments (cash-out) and receipts (cash-in). If the transaction exists, it will return only one transaction. |
Transaction Types
Type | Description | Modality (credit or debit) |
DEBIT_TRANSFER_INTERNAL | Sent transfer (transfer between Debank accounts) | Debit |
CREDIT_TRANSFER_INTERNAL | Received transfer (transfer between Delbank accounts) | Credit |
DEBIT_PIX | Sent Pix | Debit |
CREDIT_PIX | Received Pix | Credit |
# Querying all transactions
GET ''
# Querying credit transactions
GET ''
# Querying transaction by NSU
GET ''
# Filtering by transaction type
GET ''
# Querying different type transactions
GET ''
"id": "21E3822485720230827144231555972751",
"nsu": 727646,
"amount": 5.00,
"notes": "description",
"createdAt": "2023-08-27T14:42:34.763Z",
"type": {
"name": "CREDIT_PIX",
"description": "PIX recebido",
"isCredit": true
"balance": {
"balancePrevious": 69696969687968.55,
"currentBalance": 69696969687973.55
"proof": {} // generic response
🚧 The proof field is generic information that may differ depending on the type of transaction. This field represents proof of the transaction
Pix receipt proof
"id": "21E3822485720230827144231555972751",
"correlationId": "1f9d63e8-81f6-4636-b862-e2edf4c72d67",
"nsu": 727646,
"amount": 5.00,
"notes": "description",
"createdAt": "2023-08-27T14:42:34.763Z",
"type": {
"name": "CREDIT_PIX",
"description": "PIX recebido",
"isCredit": true
"balance": {
"balancePrevious": 69696969687968.55,
"currentBalance": 69696969687973.55
"proof": {
"endToEndId": "E3822485720230827144231555972751",
"status": "PIX_EFFECTIVE",
"amount": 5.0,
"description": "description",
"payer": {
"number": "31712",
"branch": "0001",
"type": "CURRENT",
"holder": {
"document": "32752023000149",
"name": "bxxdbde",
"type": "LEGAL"
"participant": {
"name": "DELCRED SCD S.A.",
"ispb": "38224857"
"beneficiary": {
"number": "31712",
"branch": "0001",
"type": "CURRENT",
"holder": {
"document": "32752023000149",
"name": "bxxdbde",
"type": "LEGAL"
"participant": {
"name": "DELBANK",
"ispb": "38224857"